Vitaly Veksler said in a LinkedIn message, “The article explains that by investing in single-country equity ETFs of countries, which are going through or recently weathered major crises, investors can not only earn attractive investment returns, but also make the world a better place. Investors can impact the countries and their citizens in a positive way by helping them recover from these crises. In addition, investors can contribute to strengthening global security and stability by reducing militant nationalism that often develops in the crisis-afflicted countries and can spill on the international arena in the form of wars or terrorism. As Benjamin Franklin said, investors “can do well by doing good.”
To read “Helping Crisis-Stricken Countries Recover with Single-Country ETFs” article, please Click Here
The article published by Advisor Perspectives is an abbreviated version of a white paper titled “We Will Not Leave You Behind: Economic, Social and Political Impact of Investing via Single-Country Equity ETFs in Countries During and After Major Crises”. To read the white paper, please Click Here
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